The Fall Is Coming…

This semester is going to end soon, and this post is also the last one on our favorite WordPress website. For me, this is my first time to write and share my memories and my thoughts online through topics from Ms. Kym. At first, I really did not know what to write, and I just … Continue reading The Fall Is Coming…

The Healing Water After All

Healing Water – A Hawaiian Story, written by Joyce Moyer Hostetter, talks about Pia, a young hapa-haole, who went to Molokai with his leprosy. Pia also brought his disappointment and anger from Kamaka, his closest betrayal friend, and God for not hearing his prayers to the settlement. However, the story comes with the reduction of … Continue reading The Healing Water After All

Can AI Understand Correctly?

All modern technologies we daily use, such as Smartphones, Smart Cars, Navigation Devices, etc. are considered as Artificial Intelligence.  Besides that, it also presents in Hospitals, Military, Science, and Industry for its assistance, study, and weapon development. It also calls as a machine, or a smart computer, or a robot, and I think it will … Continue reading Can AI Understand Correctly?

The Real Experiences Through Games and Movies

Have you ever played a Virtual Reality game or watched a VR movie before? I could tell this is an imaginary invention from Jaron Lanier, Ivan Sutherland, Douglas Engelbart, and Myron Krueger. This device allows you to experience like you are a part of a 3D game or a movie, which you are playing or … Continue reading The Real Experiences Through Games and Movies

The Past Similar Pandemic Virus

When I was searching around on WordPress blog, I saw a title that caught my attention, The Unknown Virus: A Personal Story, I was curious and wanted to know what kind of virus the author was talking about and thought might be the the author experienced with the coronavirus. However, I was surprised after reading … Continue reading The Past Similar Pandemic Virus

An Unforgettable The Tet Celebration

I had an unforgettable memory of celebrating New Year Eve when I was twelve years old. However, there was my last New Year celebration with my grandparent and my uncle, because they were going to the US after that. At that time, my family including my grandparent and my uncle, was living in Dongnai Province, … Continue reading An Unforgettable The Tet Celebration

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